If it is not – check xdebug log file. Next step is to create SSH and configure PhpStorm. On working computer run the following command to create SSH-tunnel.
Sep 15, 2017 - However, running Xdebug with 'Docker for Mac' (D4M) is hard. With the developer running additional configuration that they have to manage.
Docker Getting Started. Using Docker is a quick and easy way to run AsgardCMS in containers. By using Docker you will not need to install PHP, MySQL or a web server directly on your machine!
To get Docker installed, either read below or alternatively watch. To be able to run AsgardCMS under docker you will need:.
Database configuration Docker will create a MySQL container with a new database for you automatically. Be sure to set the database name, username, password you want to use in docker-compose.yml Run the containers A helper tool called dcp exists in the root of the project. You may need to give it executable permissions before using it ( chmod +x./dcp). Start the containers with this command./dcp up If this is your first time running this command, it may take a little while to download/build the images.
How To Get Xdebug Working With Docker For Mac
Run the install command Now run the./dcp artisan asgard:install command to perform the AsgardCMS installation process. When prompted for database credentials, use the details you specified in the docker-compose.yml file. When asked for the mysql host, use the name of the mysql container from docker-compose.yml (by default mysql). Enjoy You can now login on with the email and password you entered during the install command.
After you've logged in you'll be able to access the administration panel by visiting You will need to use the./dcp command when interacting with the container.